Change Makers' Education Society
At Change Makers' Education Society we want to help you achieve your dreams. By providing a variety of basic workshops and programs we strive to meet your needs. We offer adult literacy and tutoring in a variety of of subjects.
We offer one-to-one tutoring, small group workshops and a variety of opportunities to enhance physical literacy, creativity, and team-building.
We are facilitators of Living Life to the Full
We have engaged the community in many events such as:
Kaien Fusion of Fashion, Culture, and Dance
Go By Bike Weeks
Long Exposure Photography
Modern dance and movement workshops
Creative Art Storm
Basic Computer Workshop
Basic Computer Workshop
New to computers?
You can learn with us. We provide basic computer literacy workshops. We are here to help you create an e-mail account, conduct internet searches, access on-line services, education and tutorials and we can help you create, format and save documents.
Community Connections Workshop
Community Connections Workshop
This interactive workshop was developed to help you discover your gifts and begin to understand how your unique skills can benefit our community. We also help you identify the variety of resources and services available in our town to help you achieve success.
Financial Literacy Workshop
Financial Literacy Workshop
A basic financial literacy course designed to help you identify values, understand how to budget, income vs. expenses, and develop goal setting techniques.
Tutoring and Literacy Support
Tutoring and Literacy Support
With a board and staff made up of educators from a variety of disciplines, we can help you with your learning needs.
We specialize in literacy and communication and can work with you to provide assessments and track your progress.
We offer specialized literacy services for adults, ESL learners and people wanting to improve their skill in reading, writing and numeracy.
Community Tax Clinic
Community Tax Clinic
Taxes have you confused?
Completing your tax return can be stressful; we can help you to understand your income statements and complete your tax return by paper or online.
We have trained practitioners available to help low income clients and those in need complete and electronically file their tax returns.
Health Literacy
Health Literacy
Your health is one of the most important things, we understand that.
We can help you discover ways to maintain your health through our various health programs.
We help host our local Bike to School and Work Week. With the support of Northern Health Imagine Grant and through our partnership with Brilliant Experience, we offer juggling workshops.
Service Prices
Service Prices
We have a number of workshops available for businesses and service providers and we would be happy to work with you to design a customized workshop.
We have a number of workshops available for businesses and service providers and we would be happy to work with you to design a customized workshop.