Ch​ange Makers' Education Society

Our mission is to help people gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to take part in developing a healthy community and live a fulfilling life.
September is Literacy Month!
This year’s theme is “Literacy: The Ripple Effect.” Literacy programs have the potential to create a ripple effect contributing to a more prosperous economy, healthier populations, safer workplaces and more connected communities.
More than 700,000 people in British Columbia struggle with literacy challenges. BC’s provincial literacy organization, Decoda Literacy Solutions, and Change Makers' Education Society are encouraging everyone to #PutOnYourPurple in support of literacy programs in BC. These programs help increase the literacy and learning skills of children and families, youth, adults and seniors to improve their quality of life at home, at work and in the community.
“Improving literacy skills has a powerful ripple effect that positively impacts nearly every aspect of life at home, at work and in the community,” says Sandra Lee, Decoda’s executive director. “When people have better literacy skills, the entire economy benefits. For example, a 1% increase in literacy scores in Canada can boost labour productivity and raise income per capita by 3%. This means that even small improvements in literacy can lead to significant economic gains.”
September 8th is International Literacy Day. Throughout September, provincial activities include a social media campaign, a #LiteracyRippleEffect Contest draw, landmarks lit up with purple lights and the “Socks for literacy!” campaign sponsored by Blue Sky Clothing Co. For details visit decoda.ca/get-involved/literacy-month
Guitarist Lance Clark performing at the Sunset Lounge Open Mic Night
Youth Activity Leader Austyn Jackson Delivering a guitar lesson to youth.

One of the many beautiful pieces of jewelry for sale in the youth center lobby